You should complete this section if a majority of CLABSIs occur within six days of line insertion
If CLABSIs at your facility occur equally within 6 days of line insertion and ≥ 7 days of line insertion, you should also select Step 2B: Care and Maintenance. If CLABSIs at your facility occur mainly ≥ 7 days of line insertion, you can skip "Step 2A: Insertion" and begin working on Step 2B: Care and Maintenance.
If CLABSIs at your facility occur equally within 6 days of line insertion and ≥ 7 days of line insertion, you should also select Step 2B: Care and Maintenance. If CLABSIs at your facility occur mainly ≥ 7 days of line insertion, you can skip "Step 2A: Insertion" and begin working on Step 2B: Care and Maintenance.
Perform and audit compliance with a checklist for proper insertion
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Vascular Access Team, Abstractor, QI Department |
Vascular Access Team, Abstractor, QI Department |
Vascular Access Team, Abstractor, QI Department |
Vascular Access Team, Abstractor, QI Department |
Vascular Access Team, Abstractor, QI Department |
Vascular Access Team, Abstractor, QI Department |
Vascular Access Team, Abstractor, QI Department |
Assessment/Decision Tools
National/International References:
CDC-Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections (2011) The SIP Protocol- A GAVeCeLT bundle for the safe implantation of PICCs Articles: Stone PW, et al. State of infection prevention in US hospitals enrolled in NHSN. American Journal of Infection Control 2014
Validation Survey
DVT Step 2 Validation - Appropriate Device Choice and Insertion.
Appropriate device choice and insertion: only use a CVC if necessary
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Hospital Leadership, Vascular Team, QI Department |
Hospital Leadership, Providers, IR, Vascular Access Team, IT |
Hospital Leadership, Providers, IR, Vascular Access Team, IT |
Hospital Leadership, Providers, IR, Vascular Access Team, IT |
Providers, IR, Vascular Access Team |
Providers, IR, Vascular Access Team |
Assessment/Decision Tools:
Tier 1 Resources and Tools |
Presentations: National Guidelines:
Chopra V, et al. The Michigan Appropriateness Guide for Intravenous Catheters (MAGIC). Annals of Internal Medicine 2015
Validation Survey
CLABSI Step 2 Validation - Appropriate Device Choice and Insertion.
Avoid PICCs in patients at a high risk of CLABSI
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Providers, IR, Vascular Access Team |
Providers, IR, Vascular Access Team |
Providers, IR, Vascular Access Team |
Herc E, et al. Model to Predict Central-Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection Among Patients With Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters: The MPC Score. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 2017
Validation Survey
CLABSI Step 2 Validation - Avoid PICCs in Patients at High Risk of CLABSI/Michigan PICC CLABSI Score.
Assessment of catheter to vein ratio
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team |
Vascular Team, Abstractor, QI Department |
Thornburg CD, et al. Association between thrombosis and bloodstream infection in neonates with peripherally inserted catheters. Thrombosis Research 2008
Validation Survey
CLABSI Step 2 Validation - Assessment of Catheter to Vein Ratio.
Step 2B: Care and Maintenance
You should complete this section if a majority of CLABSIs occur ≥ 7 days of line insertion
Mandatory steps: dressing, flushing, cap hygiene, patient education
Optional steps: hand hygiene, nurse to patient ratios
Mandatory steps: dressing, flushing, cap hygiene, patient education
Optional steps: hand hygiene, nurse to patient ratios
- In several portions of this Step, you will be asked to conduct a review for a four-month period. You should use the same four-month period in all instances. Please refer to the Care and Maintenance Audit and Rounding Form as you move through this Step. This audit form includes the content you need for the various modules within this step and filling it out for all content will be helpful in later steps.
- If CLABSIs at your facility occur equally within 6 days of line insertion and ≥ 7 days of line insertion, you should have also selected Step 2A: Insertion. If CLABSIs at your facility occur mainly within 6 days of line insertion, you can skip step 2B: Care and Maintenance, and begin work on Step 3. Please contact the Coordinating Center if this pertains to your hospital.
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Abstractor, QI Department |
Abstractor, QI Department, Nursing Leadership |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Resources/Tools Example Education Fliers from Intermountain Healthcare:
National Guidelines:
Page, J et al. Reducing oncology unit central line-associated bloodstream infections: Initial results of a simulation-based educational intervention. Journal of Oncology Practice 2016
Validation Survey
CLABSI Step 2 Validation - Care and Maintenance - Dressing.
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Goossens, GA. Flushing and locking of venous catheters: Available evidence and evidence deficit. Nursing Research and Practice 2015
Validation Survey
CLABSI Step 2 Validation - Care and Maintenance - Flushing.
Cap Hygiene
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Abstractor, QI Department |
Providers, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Moureau NL, et al. Disinfection of needleless connector hubs: Clinical evidence systematic review. Nursing Research and Practice 2015
Validation Survey
CLABSI Step 2 Validation - Care and Maintenance - Cap Hygiene.
Patient education regarding care and maintenance of PICC line
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
- I-DECIDED PICC Assessment and Decision Tool for Nurses
- Save My Line Poster
- Patient Education Care & Maintenance Guide: “Your Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter”
- Patient Education Tool on Protecting the Arm and PICC
- Patient Education Tool on Caring for PICC
- Giving Medication by IV Push Home Care Handout
Validation Survey
CLABSI Step 2 Validation - Care and Maintenance - Patient Education.
Hand Hygiene
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Provider, IR, Vascular Team, Hospital Leadership/Nursing Leadership |
Ensure nurse to patient ratios are adequate for patients with central lines (optional)
Element |
Key Institutional Partners |
Nursing Leadership |
- CDC - Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections (2011)
- Quick Guide
- Appropriate staffing levels in ICUs – higher proportion of “pool” or float nurses or higher nurse: patient ratios associated with greater rates of CLABSI
- Thompson DA, et al. Impact of nursing staffing on patient outcomes in intensive care unit. Journal of Nursing Care 2013
- Nursing hours per patient day > 20 were associated with lower rates of CLABSI in the ICU setting
- Aloush S, et al. Nurses’ compliance with central line associated blood steam infection prevention guidelines. Saudi Medical Journal 2018
- Nurse to patient ratio in the ICU was a significant predictor of nurse compliance with central line blood stream infection prevention guidelines
- Qureshi SM, et al. Predicting the effect of nurse-patient ratio on nurse workload and care quality using discreet event simulation. Journal of Nursing 2019
- Simulation model used to predict impact of nurse to patient ratios on quality of care and nurse workload. Higher nurse-to-patient ratios result in deterioration in quality of care and increased workload.